31 December 2009

DFW | December 2009 | Two Midwest E-Jets..in a row?

Things were busy at the ol' day job in December and I haven't had as much time to upload some of my DFW spotting pics from this month, hopefully in the coming weeks I'll have an assortment of shots from the last month of the year to share. This set of shots was from the 17th. I was wrapping up an afternoon at Founders' Plaza when not just one Midwest E-Jet landed, but two of them. In succession. Usually the Midwest flights land on the east side and thus too far for anyone at Founders' Plaza. So to see one land on the west side is unusual. But to get two in a row on the west side? Well that's just plain strange. Not my best shots, but it was a unique sight I had to share on my blog.

This particular Embraer is an ERJ-170 with the tail number N874RW. Built and delivered to Shuttle America in October 2006, she flew originally in Delta Connection colors. She was then used by Republic (parent company of Shuttle America) to fly regional services for Frontier Airlines in full Frontier colors with the mule deer tail graphic (how's that for irony) and after a brief stint in generic colors flying as US Airways Express, she started flying as Midwest Connect in early 2009.

So imagine my surprise to have another Midwest E-Jet landing right after the Midwest ERJ-170. And this one was not only an ERJ-190, it had just Midwest titles and not Midwest Connect titles as I assume once Republic assumed control of Midwest and the last of the 717s was sent to pasture, these are now Midwest's "heavy metal" (and boy I know some guys up in MKE who are totally pissed about that). This particular 190, tail number N165HQ, is one of the newer aircraft I've photographed at DFW, this one was built and delivered to Republic in September 2009, just three months ago.

03 December 2009

DFW | December 2009 | Overheard

Out at Founders' Plaza on a quite blustery day to see what could be had and I heard the following exchange on my scanner:

Aircraft: Regional Approach, November eight-four-oh Foxtrot, one-zero thousand for four thousand.
Regional Approach: Okay, you sure you're eight-four-oh Foxtrot?
Aircraft: That's right, eight-four-oh Foxtrot.
Regional Approach: Well, see, according to this fancy-shmancy machine in front of me you're eight-OH-four Foxtrot.

(Long pause)

Aircraft: November eight-OH-four Foxtrot, at one-zero thousand for four thousand.
Regional Approach: That's better.........